
Before Christmas I took a couple of days off to create and bake. I cooked up a little something for the birdies, too. My birds will be fat and happy this winter. These homemade bird treats will also be the perfect handmade gifts to give to neighbors, friends and family that stop by during the holidays.
I found the idea on Pinterest. Not all recipes I tried turned out to be successful. After a failed first attempt, I combined a few recipes to come up with this winning combo. Here it is for anyone is looking for a fun winter project to do with kids or a simple gift to surprise loved ones – heart shaped treats would be perfect for Valentine’s Day, too.
4 cups birdseed
1 cup water
2 packets Knox gelatin
3/4 cup flour
3 tablespoons corn syrup
cookie cutters, mini bundt pans or donut pans
cooking spray
straws, cut into 2″ lengths
jute, yarn or baker’s twine
Sprinkle gelatin over 1/2 cup cold water and let sit for 5 minutes. Heat 1/2 cup water to just below boiling. Pour hot water into cold water and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Stir in birdseed, flour and corn syrup until mixed well.

Spray a large baking sheet and the insides of the cookie cutters generously with cooking spray to avoid sticking. Press birdseed mixture firmly into cookie cutters (or bundt/donut molds). Insert a straw (not too close to the edge) to create a hole for hanging.

Allow to sit at room temperature for several hours to begin to harden. To speed up the process you can freeze for about an hour.

Carefully remove treats from cookie cutters/molds. Place on a large baking sheet and allow to dry overnight. (I found that simply freezing didn’t work because it didn’t allow the treats to dry out and harden.) The next day, turn treats over so the back sides can dry. **Do not allow treats to sit at room temperature for more than two days. Otherwise, they may begin to mold.**
Insert jute through hole and tie for easy hanging.

If giving as gifts, package and freeze until ready to hand out.

Instantly after hanging them outdoors, a friendly woodpecker was enjoying the tasty winter treat.

And in the spirit of holiday giving, CLICK HERE (it may take a second to load) for a free bird treat gift tag printable you can use for your own homemade bird treats.

Try other homemade bird treat ideas I have shared here on the blog.
Birdseed Wreath // Bird Bed & Breakfast // Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder // Bird Treat Garland // Peanut Butter Birdseed Pine Cones